PB Clarification on Grant of MACP along with 25/02/99 Order.

               We have been demanding that the cadre of Helpers, DED, D.Tech and Mast Tech should be treated at par with other cadres who got the benefits of 25/2/99 order and MACP should also be granted over and above the 25/2/99 order since all employees upto 5th Oct 2007 are Govt. employees and belong to same category. The matter was taken up in the first meeting in O/o ADG (E),NZ, after election in which Central Office bearers, President, VP (AIR) , VP (TV) and VP (NZ) along with Zonal Office bearers of North Zone were present. A query was sent to DG AIR and then the matter forwarded to Prasar Bharati. ARTEE wrote a letter ARTEE/P/185/1202013 dated 17.12.13 to Prasar Bharati to settle the issue.

                Pl. check point no. 1 and 4 of the letter written by ARTEE about not granting the benefits of 25/2/1999 to Helper, D.E.D.,D.Tech and Mast Tech as per the percentage mentioned in the order. While on the other hand these cadres are also being deprived of the benefit of MACP on the excuse that benefit of two financial upgradations can not be granted simultaneously as deptt. is treating 25/2/99 order as an upgradation.

        On hectic and regular persuasion PB has issued a clarification that benefit MACP can be given alongwith benefit of 25/2/99 order.

        This is a welcome decision and all cadres mentioned above will be benefited by this. This is also a major achievement for these cadres after 25/2/99 agreement. Now all of these cadres will get benefit of 25/2/99 order and over and above MACP.

Unity always wins


       Click here for letter given by ARTEE to PB                                          Click here for letter issued by PB.