Growing Transfer Related Grievances-A matter of Concern


Central Office  is receiving many representations for settling transfer related grievances. We want to remind our members  that as per the CCS (RSA) Rules, Service associations  can not take Individual cases. As per the CCS (RSA) Rules, we have only  a very little say in Transfers. We can interfere only  in  cases in which  violation of transfer policy took place or in extreme humanitarian grounds only. Undue and beyond limit interference of Associations in transfers was one of the main causes behind the De-Recognition in the past.

We agree that Transfer can never be comfortable for any one, but it is not advisable that we take up unjust cases. We cant allow this situation to go beyond the control once again.

All are suggested to refer the cases of transfer grievances only in which  violation of transfer policy  took place or in cases in which extreme humanitarian ground exists .And  we request not to put  pressure on Central Office for transfer  related Grievances.

Central Office