All CWC Members/Unit
Secretaries : Please note the as per Election bylaw 17(b).
reproduced below
"17 (b). b). Every unit secretary shall send a certified list of paid up
members along with the certificate of CCS (RSA) deduction by DDO to the
General Secretary (ARTEE) / or list of Members certified by DDO of the
respective stations as per call given by Central Office on web site. The
General Secretary, Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer shall submit a list of
Unit wise/ State wise/ Zonal wise list of members to the Returning Officer
within 10 days of declaration of Election by President. The Election will
be conducted as per the list finalized by the General Secretary, Treasurer
& Assistant Treasurer. No Addition or deletion will be permissible.
General Secretary, Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer shall be solely
responsible for preparing the list and for the discrepancies if any. The
General Secretary, Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer shall verify with
Returning Officer that candidate and the name of proposer/Seconder should
be present in voter list as per CCS (RSA). The lists will be published on
the Association website. If there is a genuine error of emission of
omission reported along with evidences, General Secretary can request
Returning Officer for correction it will be totally discretionary on
Returning Officer to entertain any such request. This Voter list will be
published on Association’s website within three (3) days of handing over
the list to RO by Gen.Secy. & Treasurer."
So as per this clause only DDO Certified Members will be entitled for
Voting. Please check and if your name and name of your station is not
appearing in the data uploaded on website, please send data in the
following format to the mail id
Click here for format to send DDO Certified
Central Office