In order to ensure peaceful and smooth counting process all concerned are advised to read instructions given below carefully and extend full cooperation.

[1]. Counting process will be conducted strictly as per approved election byelaws. All have to adhere to the byelaws. (pl. go through election byelaws.)

[2]. Counting will start at 0800 hrs on 2nd Aug'08 in the morning and will continue till the end. If required will be extended to next day.

[3]. As per election byelaw 20 a) contestant may present personally or send one of his representative to be present in the counting. Clause 20 is reproduced below :

20. a) Candidate may send one representative with a letter of authority or be present him / herself if he/she so desires during the counting of votes.
b) The candidates or their representatives attending the counting shall sign as witness to the results declared by R.O.
c) No TA/DA etc. shall be paid to the candidates/representatives, attending the counting.

[4]. Recounting for any post will be done as per clause 21 of election byelaws being reproduced below :

21. b) Once the result of the election for any post is declared by R.O, further request for re-counting should be addressed to the President, on the same day. President along with General Secretary and R.O will make the arrangement for recounting, on the same day, if need arises.

b) After declaration of results R.O will seal the ballot box and will keep it under safe custody for another 90 days.

All members, contestants, authorised representatives are hereby requested to maintain proper decorum till process of counting is completed.

(Ashok Pant)
Returning Officer,
ARTEE Election-2008-10.