Update on EA & SEA Merger

As informed earlier how we thwarted the sinister move of Management to downgrade All EAs and SEAs in Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- with placing extra Amount in Personal Pay in the Designation Junior Engineer. There are clear signals that some of Boses were also taking keen interests in the issue while some has helped us in handling the issue. Now the proposal came for reconsideration in Prasar Bharati  we have provide them the all inputs on the issue and a comprehensive proposal has been prepared and being sent to Ministry of I & B. We are keeping a close watch on the developments. Meanwhile the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Technician and Lighting Assistants Pay Parity Case will also help in strengthening our cause in this case.

This is the height of injustice that Applicants went into Court for Merger of EAs working in Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 by virtue of DOE O.M. dated 13/11/2009 with SEAs to allow them to appear in Deptt. Examination for the promotion to the post of AEs. And Deptt. Is merging All EAs and SEAs in G.P.Rs. 4200. It can only happen in Prasar Bharati.

By the efforts of Central Office ARTEE Managed to get a Meeting on 14th Feb 2013 with Expert Committee headed by Sh. R.K.Jain, Ex.E.in.C. and Consultant, Prasar Bharati, dealing with this and our other HRD  issues. Meeting was extremely Positive and ARTEE updated the Committee Members with the verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court on the issue of Pay parity of Technicians with Lighting Assistants delivered on 10th Jan 2013. ARTEE explained that by virtue of this verdict the Technicians will get pre revised scale of Rs. 5000 (Grade Pay 4200) and if Mgmt. even think of merging EAs and SEAs in G.P.4200 it will bring all Tech/Sr.tech/EA and SEAs in Grade Pay 4200 which is not possible by any point of view whether legal or as per DOPT guide lines. ARTEE also explained that the verdict of Hon’ble Sup. Court has made the 25/02/1999 agreement redundant as even if the Agreement is withdrawn the scales can not be reverted back as Apex Court has granted the Pay Parity to Technicians since 01-12-1983 till today and thus accepted that the scales are revised since than. Engg.Asstts. are also granted pay parity since 01-01-1978 by virtue of same order i.e. Supreme Court order dated 26th Aug 1988 (Vide order no. A-14011/1/80-SI/TV(A) dated 21.12.88 and NO. 2(7)/89-S.I(VOL.II)/TV(A) Dated 17/07/1990 w.e.f. 01-01-78 which was also issued pursuant to Supreme Court decision.  ARTEE also suggested that the best solution of the problem is to grant the same scale all EAs also who joined or offered the Appointment upto 5th Oct 2007. We are aware that as per decision of Hon’ble GOM employees upto this date are of the same category as in this case also Management is on a weak footing.

The expert committee assured that no harm will be done and they will consider our suggestions. Meeting was attended by President, Gen.Secy, VP(TV) and VP(NZ).


                                                Umesh Chandra, President, ARTEE