Inter State Open Meet of East Zone

An Inter State Open Meet of East Zone comprising of delegates from the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa Organized in Steel City – Jamshedpur on 03rd July, 2010. The very well organized meeting first of its kind in Jharkhand was attended by more than 150 delegates from East Zone. From Central Office Sh. Anil Kumar S, (President), Sh. Umesh Chandra, (Gen.Secy.) and Sh. R.Raman, Sh. Bhaskar Basu, (Member Deptt. Council)graced the occasion. Zonal Body of East Zone was represented by Sh. Maloy Kr. Das, Sh.S.Ghosh, AGS(AIR), Sh. U.K.Shukla, AGS(TV), Sh. S.Goswamy, JS(SEA/EA), Sh. Madhab K Das JS(ST/T). The enthusiastic delegates raised queries on plethora of issues and got their replies from dais. President and General Secretary updated the members on recent developments in centre and implications of decisions of Hon’ble GOM.

The Organizers under the able leadership of Sh. U.K.Shukla and Sh. A.D.Khalkho, SS Jharkhand performed a excellent organizational work. The dedicated efforts of Sh. C.B.Shukla, Sh. Devanand Sharma, Sh. Vishwajit Kalindi, Sh Yogendra Kumar, Sh. Ayub Ansari, Sh. Mohd. Tahir, Sh. Debjit Bose, Sh. S.Rana, Sh. Trinath Mahato, Sh. S.N.Singh and others deserves a big applause to put up a fantastic show of strength ……………. Keep it up.

Anilkumar S. (President)
Umesh Chandra (Gen.Secy.)
R.Raman, VP(TV)
The Presidium
The Deligates, DMC Co-ordinators, Unit Secy, observers & Members