Instructions about RSA Recognition


All CWC Members & Unit Secys.  are hereby informed that ARTEE has to submit list of Members on 29th Feb 2012 for RSA Recognition. Pl. note that Verification of Membership will be done on the basis of this list. Anybody who is in the list will only be eligible to get protection of ARTEE. This Membership will be valid for a period of two years. Next official updation, under check off system about Membership will be after two years only and this Membership can not be updated or changed in official records.

Now Since time is very short and sensing the urgency all are requested to send RSA forms through POST / Fax as well as scanned copy through email on,,and

Pl. contact your VP for an update of forms received at Centre.

           Anilkumar S.,                                           Umesh Chandra,        
           Gen.Secy.                                                  President