Court Case-Update

New EA Case: Case came up for hearing on 29th July and the next date given for us to file our comments is 27th August 2005.
Pay-fixation of EAs prior to 1978: This case was initially filed by Sh. R.K. Handa, Sh. J.M. Nangia and Sh. P.D. Sharma in Delhi CAT. But the case was taken up by the Association for monetary and administrative back up. Delhi CAT delivered a favourable verdict in 2002. Government did not implement the order. Subsequently the case was taken up at High Court and finally to Supreme Court. Matter was heard and will come up for final hearing on 09.09.2005.
Technician's Pay revision case: In this case our MA (Miscellaneous Application) has been admitted in Delhi High Court on 10th January 2005. Now the case is to come up for hearing on 3rdNovember2005.
NFADE Case: Hon'ble Supreme Court has admitted the case filed by NFADE, questioning the financial viability of Prasar Bharati.
Congratulations!Sh.S.B.Asnodkar, SEA, HPT,AIR, Panaji has been selected as the Official Coach of Indian Chess Team for the World Youth Championship held in France from 15 to 30 July 2005. The Indian team has won two Gold medals in under 10 & under 12 categories. The Central Office congratulates Sh.Asnodkar for such a pride assignment and wish him all the best for future events also.
Now the Federation will also be a party in the Supreme Court Case, filed by Prasar Bharati.

In the facts and circumstances above mentioned, the petitioners most respectfully pray that this Hon'ble Court

may be graciously pleased to:
I. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the Respondent No. 8 to audit or cause the audit of accounts of the Respondent No 7 be audited either by himself or any other person appointed by him in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the Prasar Bharati Act of 1990 and to report the financial irregularities committed by it to the Respondent No.2 for necessary action and fixation of responsibility.
II. Issue a writ of mandamus directing Respondent No. 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 to work out all outstanding issues pertaining to pending service related matters such as long outstanding vacancies, promotions, cadre restructuring, timely payment of salaries/wages etc to be completed in all respects before the employees/member Petitioner Associations could be transferred to the Respondent No. 7.

III. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the Respondent No. 1, 2 & 8 to assess/re-asses financial sustainability of the Respondent No. 7 and work out a proper financial structure capable of and robust enough to bring financial self sustenance to it and be tested for over a period of five years or so and also put interim measures to bring out financially ruined

Respondent No 7 from the state of total bankruptcy it has reached.
IV. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the Respondent No. 1 & 7 to provide necessary assistance to the Committee constituted vide order dated 30/3/2005 to facilitate the completion of its task in terms of its reference and direct the same to be delivered to the Respondent No. 8 to study its viability and utility and give its comment thereon and the Report along with the comments of the
Respondent No. 8 be placed together before this Hon'ble Court for necessary directions.
V. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the Respondent No. 1 to take necessary steps to ensure that the benefits/facilities which were available to the member Petitioner Associations as employees of the Central Government, prior to coming into existence of Respondent No 7, may continue to be available to them.
VI. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the Respondent No. 1 & 7 to give adequate opportunity to the Petitioners to make representations/objections to the proposed Recruitment Rules and Regulations in accordance with the commitment of Respondent No. 7 under the memorandum of understanding signed by it on 18/9/2002 with the Petitioners Associations.
VII. Issue a writ of mandamus directing the
Respondent No. 1 & 7 to form committee(s) with necessary participation of the Petitioner Associations for making and finalising the proposed Recruitment Rules and Regulations in accordance with the commitment of Respondent No. 7 under the memorandum of understanding signed by it on 18/9/2002 with the Petitioners Associations.
VIII. Pass such other and further orders as may deem fit and proper to this Hon'ble Court.

Congratulations!Sh.S.B.Asnodkar, SEA, HPT,AIR, Panaji has been selected as the Official Coach of Indian Chess Team for the World Youth Championship held in France from 15 to 30 July 2005. The Indian team has won two Gold medals in under 10 & under 12 categories. The Central Office congratulates Sh.Asnodkar for such a pride assignment and wish him all the best for future events also.