Central Office

Order from MIB to DG AIR to implement the Notional fixation

Progress of One Cadre One Pay Issue 

Court Order in Contempt Petition in 5K(EA) Gwalior Case

Minutes of Office Council Meeting DD on  22/1/14

Resentment against closure of SW Service in KOLKATA 

Detailed Report of first Cadre Review Committee Meeting

Update on Current issues



Update on Tech vs L.A. issue


Letter for correction in Minutes of CEO Meeting

Reminder for Meeting of Cadre Review

Letter to CEO about various issues

Minutes of Meeting with CEO on 26/12/13

PB Clarification about Special Focus Groups

Approval of Nominations in Special Groups in PB

SC  Order dismissing Review Petitions  in  EA(5K) case
Hindi Reproduction of Helper/DED/D.Tech Letter

Clarification about MACP from Doordarshan & PB

Review Petition in EA(5K) Delhi Case Dismissed

Update Tech vs LA issue

PB clarification for Helper/DED/D.Tech/M.Tech

Minutes of DG COUNCIL Meeting (AIR)

PB forms Special Focus Groups - ARTEE Representatives

Committee for Re-Categorization of Stations

PB Clarifies stand on various issues to Associations

Report of Meeting by CEO with 10 Associations

Meeting of Associations with CEO on 26.12.13

Reminder for Office Council Meeting-Doordarshan

Remove discrimination with Helpers and Diesel Staff  

Email ID to send us the copy of Representation of PATNA ACP

Review Petition in EA(5K) Delhi Case

Meeting of Establishment Council in Prasar Bharati

Generalizing PATNA ACP - more info.

Grant of 2nd and 3rd MACP to A.Es

DG AIR Clarification about status of Associations

PB replies of questions on Employee issues

Delegation of Powers to DGs for Shifting the Post


ARTEE's efforts for Generalizing benefit of PATNA ACP

Letter to CEO about EA(5K), after dismissal of Gwalior SLP

ARTEE Met CEO and Member (P)  

Update on Tech vs LA  

Update on Patna ACP

Update on EA(5K) issue

Current scenario and Chronology of EA(5K) Issue

Thanks from Applicants of EA(5K) Gwalior Case

 Details of EA(5K) Gwalior SLP

New Order for verification of services

Order from DG AIR on MACP

Freezing of transfers removed

 Review Petition dismissed - Update on Patna ACP

Update on 5 K EA Gwalior Case

Delegation of powers for Emergency Medical Cases

Submission of  Suggestions on Transfer Policy

PB's response on Cyclone and ARTEE's thanks on MACP clarification Order

Hurdles in Retirement benefits and MACP cleared by Prasar Bharati

Letter against Stopping Transfers and Pending Retirement benefit

Streamlining CCS(RSA) Subscriptions

Extra Duty Allowance

Reminder to submit opinion about the proposed transfer policy by PB

Update on 5 K EA Gwalior Case

Letter to DG:AIR to stop recoveries

Clarification about delegation of powers

Order of DA increase by 10%

Update on Patna ACP Case

Govt. Announced 7th Pay Commission

Update on 5 K EA Gwalior Case

Letter to CEO about the violation of DOPT norms

Judgment of Hon'ble Sup.Court in Review Petition Tech vs LA

Progress of Tech vs LA implementation

Interzonal transfer list released by Prasar Bharati

List of Districts covered in Naxalite Effected Areas as per MHA

Resentment to CEO, Prasar Bharati

Information to CEO about Resolution adopted by Central Council

An Appeal To ALL ARTEE Members Who Love This August Platform

Minutes of Urgent Central Executive Meeting

Formation of committee as per Election bylaw 22 of ARTEE

Resentment to Prasar Bharati about violation of code of conduct

Group 'A' Included in Cadre Review-Our demand fulfilled

Award Scheme for Ward of PB Employees

Opinion about Six days proposal of PB

Congratulations The last hurdle in Tech vs LA Pay Parity removed

Mention Order in  EA 5K  Gwalior Case
Clarification about MACP from DG( AIR)
Demand to prepare a Proposal for EA (5K)
PB Asks comment from ARTEE on draft Transfer Policy

Demand to include Gr-'A' in Cadre Review

Reminder for Genralizing ACP as per PATNA Verdict

Update on 5 K EA Gwalior Case

Meeting of Establishment Council in Prasar Bharati

Update on Tech vs Lighting Assistant issue
Cadre Review Committee formed

Update on EA (5K) Gwalior Case

Financial Handover/takeover-Details
Instruction to State Secretaries and Zonal Vice Presidents

Update of various issues

ARTEE demands Incentive & Insurance in Naxallite Areas

Meetings with E.in.C.s - A Report

DG(AIR) order on recovery of OTA and Bonus

Minutes of first Central Executive Meeting dated 7th Aug 2013

Cadre Review Committee & ARTEE's representation regarding

Letter to PB for Clarification about MACP
Opinion  about  Six days week Proposal of PB

Update on Tech/LA issue

MACP list of Assistant Engineers

Minutes of meeting with DG AIR

Update on EA(5K) Gwalior Case

Minutes of Meeting with CEO on 06/06/2013

Update on EA-SEA Merger

Clarification order issued for the Classification of posts

CEO Reply on wrong order of Classification of Posts

Illegal classification of Posts by PB-ARTEE's concern

Brief report on Meeting with Sh. Sam Pitroda
Redressal Mechanism by Prasar Bharati

SAM PITRODA COMMITTEE Meet Associations-ARTEE's demand accepted

Technical vs LA Pay Parity - Implementation Progress

DG AIR Clarification about Bench Mark for MACP

Generalizing ACP Patna Verdict for all ARTEE Members .
DD Ratings improves-A Report by Agencies
CEO Meet Recognized Associations - A Report
Logical conclusion of Recognition Process
First Meeting in East Zone After Recognition.
Report of Meeting with CEO on Security of AIR & DD Stations.
Updates on current issues.
Meetings in Zones after Recognition.
 Minutes of Welcome Meeting in Prasar Bharati.
Agitation in Muzzaffarpur (Bihar) against Shifting.
 Grievance Redressal Mechanism-Response of Member(P)
 "Update on EA(5K) issue"
Transfers to DDK Patna by Shifting of Posts
Report on Welcome Meeting in Prasar Bharati.
Welcome Meeting in Prasar Bharati
Reminder for Meeting on Agenda.
Non-Disbursement of SALARY at Stations.
Welcome Letter from PB with Code of Conduct.
 CEO for including ARTEE in Mailing List.
 CEO for Meeting on Agenda.
 Recognition order and Corrigendum issued.
 Letter to CEO about Present Body.
 Letter to CEO about mailing list.
Thanks Letter to Sec I&B.
 Thanks Letter to CEO.
 Thanks Letter to Hon'ble Minister Information & Broadcasting.
 Last Dates for sending M Forms.
 Reminder to CEO , PB for the Transfer of G.S. , ARTEE.
 Letter of Recognition issued by Ministry of I & B
 CCS RSA Recognition File Approved.
 FILAMENT JAN 2013, Volume 48-Issue-I
 Letter to Secy.,MIB for Implementation of Hon'ble CAT order on CP.    Order on CP
 CEO Assurance about EA and SEA Merger
 EA-SEA Merger-Reply of Grievance Cell
Letter to CEO to entertain ARTEE.
 Recruitment in Prasar Bharati
 Instruction for M-Form - Most Immediate
 Update on CCS(RSA) Recognition
  update on EA and SEA Merger Issue.
 "Update on EA(5K) issue"
 Progress of Implementation of Tech vs LA Verdict.
Approved byelaws 2013
 Contempt in CCS(RSA) Recognition Case
Tech vs LA Pay Parity - Implementation Regarding.
Recognition Case Update.
Contempt Notice in CCS(RSA) Recognition Case.
Tech vs LA - Certified Copy of Judgement.
EA(5K) Gwalior Case in Hon'ble Supreme Court.
Filament- July-December, 2012.
Contempt Petition in Recognition Case.
EA(5K) Gwalior Case update.
Chronology of Tech vs Lighting Assistant Issue.
Historic Judgment on Pay Parity of Technicians with Lighting Assistants w.e.f. form 01/12/1983
Update on Recognition.
Request to conduct SEA to Ae Exam.
Reminder for bunching benifit.
Demand for Transfer of Gen.Secy.-CWC Resolution Regarding.
Fixation of EA (Rs. 6500-7450)
ARTEE Reacts on Suspension of DD Staff.
Letter to Minister, I&B regarding Pay scales of EA & SEA
Regarding Voter List
Tech vs LA Case
DD News declared a separate Office from DDK Delhi
EA & SEA Merger in G.P.4200 with Personal Pay
Meeting with Member(P) Prasar Bharati.
Minutes of the CWC meeting of ARTEE held on 25, 26 & 27 July 2012 at Delhi
CWC Members/US are requested to stop sending Emails to MIB and CEO(PB)
Letter to CEO, PB regarding few important issues..
Reminder to PB for issuing Guidelines about conducting Elections.
Tech vs Lighting Assistant Case.
Formation of committee to prepare voter List for election term 2013-15.
Update on EA & SEA Merger Issue-Meeting with Joint Secy(B)

Preparing Voter List for Next Election.

Update on EA & SEA Merger in Grade Pay Rs. 4200
Letter to CEO regarding bunching benefit in Pay fixation of Sr. Technicians
CEO Reply mail on EA/SEA Merger Issue
All CWC Members/Unit Secretaries are requsted to send Email to MIB and CEO(PB)
Urgent for Unit Secretaries / CWC Members
PB bifurcates Zones Again.
Tech vs Lighting Assistant Pay Parity Case- update .
DOPT Clarification about MACP
Clairfication from DG:AIR on EA 7450 fixation- order with clarity
Tech vs LA Pay Parity Case -update.
CCS(RSA) Recognition Case
Tech vs LA Pay Parity Case
Transfer in the cadre of AEs
Transfer in the cadre of Sr. Engg. Asstt. in NZ
Court Case on Pay Parity of Technician with Lighting Assistants.
"Generalizing ACP Verdict Patna - View of Central Office"
Urgent : Send Telegrams b4 30th Sep to pursue Recognition.
Warning Letter from DG:AIR to HOO/DDOs regarding RSA
Warning Letter from PB to HOO/DDOs regarding RSA
Filament ( January 2012 to June 2012 )
Format of representation which our office bearers has to submit to the Hon'ble MPs and other political leaders.
Hearing of EA(5K) Gwalior Case
Update on Recognition of Associations case
Doordarshan AE's Transfer List
ARTEE CWC Meeting ………. Report
Order from Prasar Bharati
Review of three years time limit for making compassionate appointment.
Agenda for CWC meeting on 25, 26 & 27 July at Delhi
Administrative matter relating to subordinate Engg. cadre- DG:AIR order
Fixation of basic pay in scale of Rs7450-11500 for EA -NZ Order.
Matter regarding recognition of Associations- PB Circular
Account details of Drivers Asssociation.
Regarding Compliance report of deducting Membership of RSA in PB.
Confederation March to Parliament on 26th, July, 2012
Letter to Secy., I&B regarding pay scales of SEA & EA
Revised tour program of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees
Instructions for sending RSA Subscription.
Update on EA-SEA merger
Regarding Transfer/ Postings orders issued by O/o ADG(E), SZ
NZ: Transfer in the cadre of Senior Engg. Asstt.
Details of ARTEE Bank A/c with SBI Main, New Delhi.
Clarification on DG (AIR) Order regarding fixation of Pay of EAs
Clarification regarding Recognition of associations in PB under RSA rules.
14 point charter of demands of Confederation.
Decisions taken in the National Executive mtg of Confederation
Call for mobilisation & participation in the agitation by Confederation
Letter to Member(P) regarding cadre review of all Engineering Cadres
Regarding recognition of Associations.
Regarding Transfer/Posting orders, dated 28/03/12, O/o ADG(E), SZ, Chennai
Letter to CEO regarding Victimization of Sub ordinate Engg. Staff.
Letter to CEO regarding discrimination towards sub ordinate Engg. Staff
Corrigendum:  Recognition of Associations- PB order
Regarding recognition of Associations- PB order issued
Clarification from DG:AIR Regarding pay fixation.
Letter to M(F), PB requesting to settle the matter of MACP.
Recovery of MACP order dated 05-03-2012, Kept in abeyance.
Response from Parliament Secretariat on recognition of Assoiations.
EA (5K) SLP in Gwalior case Status
Letter to CEO regarding Victimisation by ADG(SZ) through transfer postings
SLP in Hon'ble Sup.Court in Tech vs Lighting Assistant Case. Diary no. 9847
Transfer order of Doordarshan AEs.
Election of Unit Committees after 2 year term
Postings on Association matters in Social websites
MACP order of AEs.
Be Ready for an Agitation to Stop Recoveries
Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — Date of next increment....
Notification: PB Act amendment
Hindi version of Filament May 2011-Dec. 2011
Transfer of AEs of AIR.
Greetings to CEO, Prasar Bharati
Transfer List of AEs in Doordarshan
submission of RSA Forms to Prasar Bharati
Notification of Committee to suggest amendments in bye-laws.
Format of the letter to be submitted to Station Heads by Unit Secretaries.
Recognition for Associations: Call for office bearers
SOS Instructions about RSA Recognition.
Corrigendum regarding MACP of AEs
Recognition of Association -Directive from MIB to DG:AIR on Letter of ARTEE.
Appeal to All CWC Members/Unit Secretaries/Sr. Leaders and All Comrade ARTEEians.
Reminder to Sr. GM(P) to expedite & organize recognition process as per RSA rules

Reaction of ARTEE on the circular issued by DG:AIR on using of Letter head.

Important instructions about Recognition Process

Facts on Recognition of Service Associations.
The Scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery & Compulsory Arbitration.
Letter to Sr. GM(P) to expedite & organize recognition process as per RSA rules
Resolutions passed in Central Council Meeting - 16 , 17 December 2011
Appeal for donation from Sh. V K Sharma & Sh. J S Tomar for New EA Gwalior case.
Status of New EA case(Gwalior, MP)
Hon'ble Delhi CAT Verdict on Recognition of Associations
JCM- National Anomaly Committee meeting - report by Secretary Generel, Confederation
   Filament-( May2011 -December 2011 )
Case on Recognition matter --we are on way to victory.
MACP List of eligible AEs working in AIR &DD

Status of all the Court Cases

Appeal for financial assistance for aggrieved family...
Letter to DG:AIR for EA-SEA Merger.
Revise Work distribution in ARTEE Central Office
Resolution adapted by Central Council about Patna ACP (Intimation to Sh. B.K.Roy ).
Letter to DG:AIR against withdrawal of Mess facility in Radio Kashmir, Srinagar
Letter to PB to speedup the process of Cadre Review for Engg. Cadres
Circular from PB: Clarifications regarding Recognition of Associations
Reminder to call DG: Council Meetting.
Case on Recognition matter.
Letter to DG:AIR regarding forwarding of letters & details related to recognition to PB
Letter to Secy. I & B regarding process of recognition
Cashless Treatment on Emergency for Serving Employees.
Regarding de-recognition of Associations of AIR & Doordarshan, DG:AIR Order
Order issued by DG:AIR for implementation of RSA Rules
Reminder order with details issued by PB on RSA Rules
Recognition for Associations: Call for office bearers
Circular to start the process of recognition of Associations issued.
Letter to DG:AIR regarding delay in some important verdits related to employees
Letter to DG:AIR to start the process of recognition immediately
Mail Today: DD defends its DTH 'decision'
Story in Mail Today about DTH & action on office Bearers.
One Cadre One Pay Contempt Case Hearing in Principal Bench, CAT Delhi
Case on Recognition matter.
Recognition of Associations on Top Priority: No Compromise!

Letter to be Submitted to Head of office for Authorization under RSA Act, 1993
Format for check off system & Instructions

One Cadre One Pay Contempt Case Hearing in Principal Bench, CAT Delhi

Poster of Dharna on 21.09.2011 at Akashvani Bhavan
Letter to MIB on Recognition matter.
media coverage of Gate Meeting.
Gate meeting of Recognised Association's Forum Of AIR & DD held at Akashvani Bhavan   Press release
Recognised Association's Forum Of AIR & DD      Poster
Let us Protect our Associations to protect ourselves
Letter to DG:AIR on Recognization matter
Letter to DG against victimization and bulk transfer
Letter from NFADE on reopening agitation matter
Reality on Pay scale - Letter to Hon'ble GOM
Minutes of SSS Meeting held with Member (P) on 25-07-2011
PB Asks comments from Associations on the proposal of withdrawal 25-02-99.
International support - UNI Writes for SSS to Hon'ble President,Vice President, PM, Home Minister, MIB.
NFADE Movement- Member may take print out & use the poster for display.
NFADE Letter to be given to the leaders
ARTEE takes up the issue of CPF & NPS
Technician Pay Parity Case
Minutes of the Cadre Review Committee Meeting held on 29.06.2011.
Patna CAT Case: Order issued by DG:AIR to implement.
Recognition for Associations: Call for office bearers
Circular to start the process of recognition of Associations issued.
Letter to DG:AIR regarding delay in some important verdits related to employees
MACP - Assistant Engieers working in AIR &DD
Letter to DG:AIR to start the process of recognition immediately
Mail Today: DD defends its DTH 'decision'
Story in Mail Today about DTH & action on office Bearers.
One Cadre One Pay Contempt Case Hearing in Principal Bench, CAT Delhi
Case on Recognition matter.
Message from Shri V. Shivakumar, Memeber(P), Prasar Bharati.
Recognition of Associations on Top Priority: No Compromise!
Order for withdrawing of tenures kept in abeyance..

Letter to be Submitted to Head of office for Authorization under RSA Act, 1993
Format for check off system & Instructions

Report of Dharna & Gate Meeting at Akashvani Bhavan      Press release

One Cadre One Pay Contempt Case Hearing in Principal Bench, CAT Delhi

Send Telegram immediately - Matter & Addresses.
Poster of Dharna on 21.09.2011 at Akashvani Bhavan
Letter to MIB on Recognition matter.
media coverage of Gate Meeting.
Gate meeting of Recognised Association's Forum Of AIR & DD held at Akashvani Bhavan   Press release
Recognised Association's Forum Of AIR & DD      Poster
Let us Protect our Associations to protect ourselves
Letter to DG:AIR on Recognization matter
Letter to DG against victimization and bulk transfer
Letter from NFADE on reopening agitation matter
Reality on Pay scale - Letter to Hon'ble GOM
Recognition of Association - Letter & Instruction from SSS
Minutes of SSS Meeting held with Member (P) on 25-07-2011
Letter to MIB Regarding Support from UNI
PB Asks comments from Associations on the proposal of withdrawal 25-02-99.
International support - UNI Writes for SSS to Hon'ble President,Vice President, PM, Home Minister, MIB.
SSS held meetings with Member (P) & AS(B) on 25-07-2011
NFADE Movement- Member may take print out & use the poster for display.
NFADE Letter to be given to the leaders
ARTEE takes up the issue of CPF & NPS
Technician Pay Parity Case
Balance sheet of Association -       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10       2010-11
DG:AIR Reminder-II for One pay for one Cadre -Calculation of Financial Implications
Minutes of the Cadre Review Committee Meeting held on 29.06.2011.
Minutes of the meeting held on 25.05.2011 with Additional Secretary (I & B).
Tech V/s Lighting Assistant Pay Parity case – An update
Patna CAT Case: Order issued by DG:AIR to implement.
MACP - Assistant Engieers working in AIR &DDn.
SSS Agitation deferred.
View point of SSS on the Reprt of Committee of Joint Secretaries.
Instructions for 9th August 2011.
Follow the Instructions for 9th August, 2011
Minutes of SSS Meeting held with Member (P) on 25-07-2011
Letter to MIB Regarding Support from UNI
PB Asks comments from Associations on the proposal of withdrawal 25-02-99.
International support - UNI Writes for SSS to Hon'ble President,Vice President, PM, Home Minister, MIB.
SSS held meetings with Member (P) & AS(B) on 25-07-2011
NFADE Movement- Member may take print out & use the poster for display.
Meeting with Member(P) on 25-07-2011.
NFADE Letter to be given to the leaders

Need for Political Consensus on Repealing Prasar Bharati

More Photos - Relay Hunger protest from Stations..           Press Coverage      Political Support
Report on Gate Meeting in Akashvani Bhavan, Delhi
MACP-List of Assistant Engineer
SSS -photos of Relay Hunger protest.
ARTEE takes up the issue of CPF & NPS
New EA Case
Schedule of Relay Hunger Protest
Format of Press Release.    Press Release ( Delhi pdf )     Press Release ( For stations Word Format)
Intemation to MIB - Relay Hunger Protest reg.
Instructions, Dos and Don’t for Relay Hunger Protest     (Word Format)
SSS View Point of 8 Point Charter of demands      (Word Format)
A memorandum is to be handed over.      (Word Format)
Technician Pay Parity Case
FILAMENT(Hindi version), few mistakes might be there. We will try to improve in future.
Balance sheet of Association -       2007-08       2008-09       2009-10       2010-11
DG:AIR Reminder-II for One pay for one Cadre -Calculation of Financial Implications
Minutes of the Cadre Review Committee Meeting held on 29.06.2011.
Next phase of Agitation by NFADE
Minutes of the meeting held on 25.05.2011 with Additional Secretary (I & B).
Tech V/s Lighting Assistant Pay Parity case – An update
SSS Agitation - Poster for display
SSS Agitation Phase-II -Address for sending Postcards.      (Word Format)
Patna CAT Case: Order issued by DG:AIR to implement.
Text for sending Telegrams, Emails and Postcards.         (Word Format)
Patna CAT Case: Order issued by Ministry of I&B
SSS Agitation Notice to MIB
SSS Meeting on 28/06/2011 with Addl. Secy. (B) and Nominated Member
SSS Threatens lightning stir against withdrawal 25.2.99 agreement
Reconstitution of Cadre Review Committee.
Minutes of meeting with Member (P) on Zonal issues on 30.05.2011.
General Secretary Report in the CWC meeting -May 2011
SSS Agitation-- Detail of 1st step
Poster for 2nd phase agitation of SSS
2nd phase of SSS Agitation - Notice Regarding
Updates on SSS Demands
Inter Directorate Transfer in the cadre of Engineering
Modification of Interzonal Tranfer order.
DG AIR Proposal for Notional Fixation of Sr.Tech & Tech.
Resentment by SSS against wrongly proposed amendments in RR
Notice for meeting with Member(P)
AS(B) & CEO (PB) conducted Meeting with SSS       Extract of the meeting
Interzonal Transfer in the cadre of Subordinate Engineering Cadre
Letter to MIB requesting for Deparmental council meeting
3rd step of SSS agitation
New Engg. Asstt. case( Sh. M.S.Rana case ) : Contempt Petition filed
Schedule of Central Working Committee Meeting
New Engg. Asstt. case : Contempt Petition filed
Demand for pay scale of Rs, 5000-8000 for Tech with Asstt. Cameramen at par.
SSS gate meeting- Press release
Cadre review - latest communication
Letter to MIB - Next step of SSS Agitation
Format for missing CRs of AEs for MACP
Instructions for 2nd Step of SSS agitation...
Auditorium and Guest Houses for AIR & DD Staff...
Extra Duty Allowance --Minutes of the Meeting.
DG:AIR instruct Zonal CE's to fulfill ARTEE demand
Letter to M(P) regarding pay scale Diesel Engine Driver
Resentment by SSS on conducting DPC for pay Parity of IBES
View points of SSS on Letter submitted by Gen. secy. ADEA
SSS agitation started with Gate Meetings
Protest & agitation letter to MIB on inaction on subordinate cadres issues.
Resentment on pay Parity of IBES without solving our issues
Resentment on non cooperartion by Zonal offices for staff welfare
SSS( ARTEE/ADTEA/PSA) demand from ADEA to withdraw letter to MIB
SSS (ARTEE/ADTEA) Reaction to ADEA Letter to MIB -withdraws from JFADEE.
Reminder from DG:AIR to MIB on KBK.
Notional Fixiation of Tech. & Sr. Tech. matter forwarded to MIB
One pay one Cadre-- corrections in note from DG:AIR
One pay one Cadre-- Request for corrections in note
One Pay for one cadre- Proposal from DG:AIR to MIB      Verdict--Hon'ble Supreme Court of India
Notional fixation - Verdict, Hon'ble High Court, Chennai
Letter to Secretary, MIB regarding ACP for subordinate Engineering cadres
Letter to AS(B), MIB regarding 'ACP for subordinate engineering cadres
Letter to AS(B), MIB regarding 'One pay Scale for one cadre'

Deferment of the proposed 72 hours Boycott of duties w.e.f 13.12.2010
Details of the meeting with the RLC held on 10/12/2010
NFADE Meeting with the three Member Committee--- outcome of meeting

Meeting with RLC, Govt. of India      Letter to RLC        Minutes of meeting

Index Card in respect of AEs working in AIR   Order    Index Card( proforma)
Report of CWC Meeting & Delhi State Convention
Schedule of CWC Meeting & State Convention Delhi.
Notice for CWC meeting.
Agenda for CWC meeting.
Demand to call DG Council meeting of All India Radio
Demand to call DG Council meeting of Doordarshan
Letter to DG, DD regarding shortage of funds in DMC Burdwan
Letter to E-in-C , Doordarshan regarding transfers of AE
Demand to solve the problem in Staff Quaters in Metro Project.
Nominations for the issue -One Pay one Cadre
Demand to implement MACP Clarification of DOPT from date of order.
MACP - Frequently Asked Questions and its replies from DOP&T
Revised Format for One pay for one Cadre : Calculation of Financial implications
Direct Recruitment of Engineering Assistant examination -2010--Marks.
Letter regarding agitation in NEZ for non implementation of MACP
Latest Development on EA & SEA merger.
Implementation of orders issued by Cadre Controlling Authority - HRD Matters
North Zone order to furnished information regarding - One pay one cadre
Reaction from NFADE on the decesions of MIB
Reaction from NFADE on the decesions of PB Board
Letter to Secretary, MIB regarding ACP for subordinate Engineering cadres
Clarification by PB on MACP & other orders of Cadre Controlling Authority
Clarification regarding pending issues in North East Zone.
Update on ACP on the basis of Patna case
Revised RR on merger of EA & SEA - Letter from PB to DG:AIR
One pay for one Cadre : Calculation of Financial implications
Committee Constituted for Extra duty Allowance.
Cadre Review meeting to Restart.
Letter to CEO Regarding MACP
Committee of Categorisations of Difficult Stations
Validity of AIRNET Orders
ARTEE Persues-Rs. 6600/- GP for AEs
Cadre Review meeting to Restart.
Notional Fixiation of Tech. & Sr. Tech. matter forwarded to MIB
Direction for Timely DPCs
Training for Helpers for upgradation from Group "D" to Group "C"
Modified Work Distribution in ARTEE Central Office
Pending issues of North East Zone
Call for Units
Clarification Regarding Objections on MACP to Subordinate Engg Cadres.
Release of funds for salary to AIR & DD stations
Revised schedule of LDCE for promotion of Helper to the post of Tech.
Work Distribution in ARTEE Central Office
Grant Of MACP to Subordinate Engg Cadre.
Grant of MACP to Subordinate Engg Cadre including SEA Cadre.
Status of AIR & DD Employees-- MIB's Clarification
PAO Chennai objects MACP-- SSS demands immediate Clarification
SSS took up the matter of the objection on Grant of MACP.
Letter to MIB to clarify the Status of the Employees AIR & Doordarshan
One pay one Cadre-- corrections in note from DG:AIR
One pay one Cadre-- Request for corrections in note
Appeal from Central Office
One Pay for one cadre- Proposal from DG:AIR to MIB      Verdict--Hon'ble Supreme Court of India
Notional fixation - Verdict, Hon'ble High Court, Chennai
Letter to AS(B), MIB regarding 'ACP for subordinate engineering cadres
Letter to AS(B), MIB regarding 'One pay Scale for one cadre'
Nominations of Office Bearers
Demand to conduct SEA to AE Exam
Minutes of the meeting held on 27/01/2011, regarding amendments of PB Act
Conduct EA to SEA promotions in Zones
Demand to correct wrongly interpreted Minutes of Meeting with M(P)
Minutes of meeting held on 19-01-2011 with Member(P)
National Games-Matter taken with Authorities
Problem with GPF Account - Action taken by Prasar Bharati
Information to Secretary (I&B) regarding Election Results Notification
Corrigendum MACP-Regarding
Reqiurement of ACR dossiers of AEs for MACP-Regarding
Election Results Notification
Meeting of committee to propose amendments in PB Act 1990
Letter on the incident of Ambikapur
Meeting of Committee to propose Amendments in PB Act.
Report of Meeting with Shri V. Shiva Kumar, Member (Personnel), Prasar Bharati
Request for Implementation of one pay for one cadre.
Meeting with Member(P) scheduled on 19-01-2011- Ref. Subordinating Engineering Employees.
Request for meeting with CEO on various matters related to Subordinate Engg.Employees.
Request for meeting with Member(P) on various matters related to Subordinate Engg.Employees.
NFADE meeting with Secy. I & B on 09/12/2010
Flash News : ARTEE Wins - EA(5K) - Govt. SLP in Hon'ble Supreme Court Rejected.
Details of the meeting with the RLC on 08/12/2010
Congratulations :Another milestone Khalasi and Helper Merged.
NFADE Meeting with the three Member Committee.
Details & the outcome of the meeting with the RLC
International support --- Letter to PM & Support to NFADE attached.
Report on Presentation of NFADE before Hon’ble Parliamentary Standing Committee
Renewal of registration of ARTEE upto 2015.
Progress of Implementation of Hon'ble Patna High Court Judgment
Filament May - August 2010
Corrected verdict EA(5K) submitted for implementation.
ARTEE- Demand implement verdict of Hon'able High Court Patna
Delay in Salary - Action taken by PB
Young EAs/ Technicians: Congrats for the positive judgment from Hon’ble High Court,  Delhi
Congratulations! New EA case - We have done it again
Prasar Bharati amendment bill 2010
NewsFed August 2010.
Representation to RLC for the meeting of 03-12-2010.
Meeting with RLC, Govt. of India.       Letter to RLC      Minutes of meeting
Congratulations to all members for the grand success of the "BOYCOTT Of Duties"
Format of report to be submitted
Press Release-- Second day of the 48 hour Boycott of Duties call of the federation
Letter to Hon'ble MIB regarding exemption of Bihar State from Strike
Transmission in AIR & DD severly effected due to BOYCOTT       Media Coverage
48 Hrs. boycott of duties to continue....
Guidelines for Boycott of duties.   Format for: Charge Handover  Reply to tour orders
Grand Gate meeting of NFADE on 19.11.2010 at Akashwani Bhawan Delhi
Corrigendum on Grade Pay by DG:DD
NFADE Meetings in Delhi stations
Call for meeting by PB & Reaction from NFADE.
Letter for Gate Meeting at Akashvani Bhavan
DG Doordarshan order for Grade Pays of various cadres
Letter from Hon'ble Shri P.Karunakaran, MP(LS) to Hon'ble MIB
Letter from Hon'ble Shri S.P.Y.Reddy,MP(LS), Nandyal to Hon'ble MIB
Letter from Hon'ble Dr. Kadri Gopalnath to Hon'ble MIB
NFADE invites for A National Seminar on Akashvani : Then and Now.
Posters of NFADE Agitation.           Poster1          Poster2            Poster3
Letter from Hon'ble MP Shri Anantkumar Hegde to Hon'ble MIB.
NFADE Representative Meeting with Hon'ble MP Shri Oscar Fernandezes.
List of AEs for MACP     List1         List2       List3
Reviewing of pending CRs of AEs eligible for MACP
NFADE manglore unit met Sri Oscar FernandezHon'ble Rajyasabha MP, Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee for HRD and General Secretary AICC.
RTI filed by General Secy. in DG:DD against reversing GP 4600
SSS demands enquiry on the orders of DG:Doordarshan
NFADE: Notice of agitation
DG : AIR'S response to ARTEE's efforts for L.D.C.E etc .
AKASHVANI: THEN & NOW – Seminar at Mangalore.                 Resolution     
ARTEE protested against Reversion of Grade Pays
Call for meeting by PB & Reaction from NFADE.
Report on Presentation of NFADE before Hon’ble Parliamentary Standing Committee
Renewal of registration of ARTEE upto 2015.
Letter from Hon'ble Shri P.Karunakaran, MP(LS) to Hon'ble MIB
Letter from Hon'ble Shri S.P.Y.Reddy,MP(LS), Nandyal to Hon'ble MIB
Letter from Hon'ble Dr. Kadri Gopalnath to Hon'ble MIB
NFADE invites for A National Seminar on Akashvani : Then and Now.
Letter from Hon'ble MP Shri Anantkumar Hegde to Hon'ble MIB.
NFADE Representative Meeting with Hon'ble MP Shri Oscar Fernandezes.
Progress of Implementation of Hon'ble Patna High Court Judgment
Corrected verdict EA(5K) submitted for implementation.
Reviewing of pending CRs of AEs eligible for MACP
Outsourcing in DD stopped
ARTEE- Demand implement verdict of Hon'able High Court Patna
Delay in Salary - Action taken by PB
Young EAs/ Technicians: Congrats for the positive judgment from Hon’ble High Court,  Delhi
Congratulations! New EA case - We have done it again
Prasar Bharati amendment bill 2010
NFADE Leadership in Nagpur
Letter to DG:AIR regarding reforms in Deptt. Competitive Exams..
NFADE Leadership in the city of  Nizam’s …. A report from Hyderabad
NFADE Leadership in Chennai.
NFADE Leadership in Mumbai.
NFADE Leadership on the move … The Bhopal nama .
Release of funds for Salay/ Medical/ OTA
MACP in GP of Rs.5400/- in PB-3 to AEs with 30 years of service
Letter to DG:DD regarding outsourcing of retired employees in DD kendras
Reminder for settling Pending issues of Assistant Engineer
Request for action for NE Zone.
Congratulations! New EA case - We have done it again
Rs. 5400 GP PB II & PB III through MACP to AEs.
S.O.S. of Members about delay in Salary – ARTEE’s concern
Notice for dharna for pending isssues of AEs - Reminder
              # Refixation of Pay of AE's in GP Rs. 5400 under MACP
              # Status of AE to JTS promotions
 MACP for the central govt. civilian employees clarification regarding.
 DG:AIR postponed SEA to AE Exam
 Notice of agitation-- Avoiding boycott of duties on 14/15 Sept.,2010
 Allow EAs in SEA to AEs Exam.-Generalize Hon'ble Delhi CAT decision
Delay in disbursement of salary - Agitation notice regarding
One day State meet at Mysore,Karnataka
Court verdict on Rs. 5400/- GP for AEs
Budgetory allocation for MACP arrears
Reaction from NFADE on meeting with Prasar Bharati
NFADE: Notice of Agitation.
Congrat's all AE's of 4 years or more
Open your minds
Letter to CEO, regarding long pending list of JTS to STS promotion
NFADE STRENGTHED--DPPA merged with ADPPP in Doordarshan.
" Save Akashvani & Doordarshan" - the National & Public Service Broadcaster of India
Issues related to the Cadre of Assistant Engineers
Agitation Notice for MACP to AEs.
Report on Discussion in DG Council Meeting of Doordarshan
State Convention of Andhra Pradesh in Hyderabad
" Save Akashvani & Doordarshan" - the National & Public Service Broadcaster of India
Letter from Natoinal Spokesperson---Indian National Congress.
Second meeting of Hon'ble GOM on Prasar Bharati
Inter State open meet of East Zone ,Jamshedpur .
 Letter to CEO extending the benefit of MACP to AEs.
Letter to Hon'ble Minister of I & B
NFADE requests Hon'ble GoM members for meeting.
First Regional Conference of ARTEE in Rayalseema Region of Andhra Pradesh.
ARTEE Meeting in Mangalore graced by President.
Maintenance of Service Books as per GFR 257 in DD regarding
Prasar Bharati RR - NFADE protests.
Letter to Sh. P.Chidambaram, Chairman, Hon'ble GoM, requesting meeting.
Retention of staff quarters at old station for the staff posted at K-B-K
CWC term extended for six months
SSS letter to DG:AIR regarding eligibility service for helpers to tech. exam
SSS letter to CEO regarding merger of cadres
Letter to Hon'ble Minister of I & B
NEZ / minutes of the meeting with CEO.
Repeal Prasar Bharati Act 1990- proposal for Hon'ble GOM
Amended approved Constitution - 2010

Report on UNI Apro Empowerment Course on “Becoming Educator & Organizer”

Meeting with CEO, related to North East Zone , 09/04/2010
NFADE unit Mangalore met Hon'ble MPs from Magalore & Udipi
President's reply on some vital issues....
NFADE THANKS    Gate meeting at Akashwani Bhawan on 17 March, 2010
Mass Casual Leave Deferred    -   NFADE Letter to CEO, PB
NFADE Press Release - 16-03-2010
Deployment of Engineering officers during NFADE Agitation  -   Format of refusal of duty
Show the strength of UNITY - Mass Casual Leave on 17th March, 2010
Do's and Don'ts during Mass Casual Leave
Appeal from Constituents of NFADE
Letters from 9 Members Of Parliament
Call for Mass Casual Leave & Performa for handing over the charge
Sincere thanks for overwhelming support in March to Parliament
NFADE Historic March from Mandi House to Parliament
New GoM on Prasar Bharti.
State convention, Patna, Bihar on 09th & 10th Oct. - 09
Committee Costituted for provision of Extra Duty Allowance
Three day relay hunger strike - a report
ARTEE Workshop in Bhubaneshwar on 09th Jan’2010
Letter to DG---Regarding MACP for Sr.Tech. & above in zones.
MACP Granted .....Unity wins again      List of AEs
NFADE's Symbolic Hunger Stike - 19/01/2010 - A report
Merger of Engineering Assistant with Senior Engineering Assistant
NFADE Gate Meetings across the country on 08/01/2010
Telegram / Fax / Email for "Repeal PB Act"
"Repeal Prasar Bharati Act" - NFADE
MACP for sub-ordinate Engineering Cadres-Status.
PB’s Efforts to bring Contract staff  system- Let’s fight it out.
New EAs: We Share Your Concern
VP(TV)'s visit at various stations of East & South Zones to interact with members
Let’s fight for the ultimate Goal – Repeal Prasar Bharati Act 1990
NFADE - Notice for VI th Phase of agitation - Poster
Letter given to Hon'ble Minister of I&B on 30-11-2009
Letter given to Hon'ble Minister of I&B on 27-11-2009
NFADE Gate Meeting on 24/11/2009 at Mandi House
Interzone transfer committee--Minutes of the meeting.
MACP--SSS letter to CEO.
The 2nd Zonal Convention of North East Zone in Shillong
Minutes of the meeting regarding OTA eligibility, held on 23.07.09
NFADE leaders met hon'ble MIB Smt. Ambika Soni on 26th October 2009
Resolutions adapted in Delegate Session of 16th National Convention
Reminder to Expediting implementation of Modified ACP.
Letter given to Hon'ble Minister for I & B
ARTEE Initiative for making funds available for of 60% Arrears
Blood Donation Camp organised at DDK Ahmedabad on 15/9/2009
Hon'ble MOS for Ministry of I & B, Sh. Mohan Jatua's visit to AIR, Jamshedpur
ARTEE's reaction on financial implications of Cadre Review
Report of Protest Hunger strike of 16th september 2009.
NFADE met Secretary, Ministry of I&B - 09/09/2009.
MACP Eligibility List for AE.
NFADE Letter given to Hon'ble minister of I&B
President, ARTEE is back as Chairman, NFADE
Letter given to DDG(A) to expedite implementation of MACP
Meeting of ARTEE with E-in-C, AIR on issues related to East-Zone
Technician V/S Lighting Assistant Pay parity case filed by ARTEE
Payment of 2nd installment of arrears of VIth CPC- Order
Day long Dharna on 25, Aug., 2009- A report
2nd phase of agitation on various pending matters.
Agitation against autocracy of Chief Engineers in East Zone
Agitation against Inter zone transfers in North East Zone
Meeting regarding Financial upgradation to AEs under MACPs- Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held with CEO on 10.07.09.
The truth about Rajesh Yadav, Unit Secretary, Agra
One pay for one cadre-All supporting document .
Meeting with Hon'ble Minister of I&B - Report
Telegram/Email to be sent to Minister Of  I&B
Report on Dharna organised on 22nd, July-2009 at Akashvani Bhawan
Vijayawada ARTEE leaders met Honourable MOS Shri Jagathrakshakan
Constitution of a committee to make provision of Extra Duty Allowance
Report on Gate Meeting held on 08, July-2009, at Doordarshan Bhawan
Agitation notice to Minister Of I&B
Report on Gate Meeting held on 25th, June-2009, at Akashvani Bhawan, Delhi
ARTEE Launches Agitation on Long pending Issues
Letter to DDG(A) regarding impementation of MACP
President ARTEE resigned from the post of Chairman NFADE
Final Submitted Report Of Cadre Review Committee Part-1 Part-2
Meeting of staff council DD held on 28 January 09 -- Minutes
Formation of committee for amendments in Byelaws of Association
Suggestion regarding staff related matters- VP, WZ
18th Cadre Review meeting held on 08, May, 2009 -Minutes
17th Cadre Review meeting held on 05, May, 2009 - Minutes
16th Cadre review meeting held on 16, Apr., 2009 - Minutes
15th Cadre review meeting held on 06, Mar., 2009- Minutes
Corrections Proposed by ARTEE in Cadre Review Committee-Final Report.
Non Payment of Salary--Settled after taking up with CEO, PB.
Next Meeting of Cadre review committee on 16th April.
Demand for granting Grade Pay 4600 for all EAs.
Demand for granting Grade Pay 5400 for AEs ...an update.
Demand for granting Grade Pay 4600 for all EAs.
Demand for granting Grade Pay 5400 for AEs ...an update.
Demand for granting Grade Pay 5400 for AEs.
Coverage of Commonwealth Games-Urgent Call to Members.
NFADE Meets CEO on Commonwealth Games 2010 coverage issue.
Minutes of the 14th Meeting of Cadre review committee.
The ongoing NFADE agitation deffered till further information.
Gate Meeting on contentious issue of Commonwealth Games----Press Release-----PHOTO.
Regional Convention of Coastal Dristricts in Vijaywada (A P).
Meeting with CEO--minutes.
Letter to MIB- Launching of 5th phase of agitation.
New Transfer mechanism.
Letter to Hon'ble Minister of State for I&B on Cabinet decesion.
Minutes of the 13th Meeting of Cadre review committee.
Cabinet decision on Prasar Bharati Employees.
5th State Convention of West Bengal in Silliguri ...A Report
Meeting sought from Secretary, I&B.
Upgradation of Grade Pay of EAs... CE(NZ)Order issued
Upgradation of Grade Pay of EAs....DG:AIR Order issued
ARTEE take up all pending issues with Ministry of I & B....Letter Submitted.
Guwahati Serial Blast- Our Helper injured.
Handing over the Charge of President .
Recognition of Association - Maintaining status quo - regarding
Demand to implement GFR(257) about service book.....Order issued.
Cadre Review Proposal- Submitted Jointly by all three Associations.
Guideline from MIB on Transfers of Office Bearers.
Artee demands implementing GFR Rule 257 about service book.
Dual Membership -CWC Resolution Bangaluru
Bangaluru... Grand Success.
Artee demands immediate release of Promotions lists
Direct Recruitment in AIR & Doordarshan-Regarding .
Minutes of 9th meeting of the Cadre Review Committee.
National Intregration Day Celebrated to Save The National Broadcaster.
Clarification from O/o DG:AIR on opening promotions & Cadre Review.
ARTEE for AE to ASE promotion for all - Letter.
MIB Clarification on 6th CPC implementation.
CWC Meeting, Bangaluru.
Minutes of meeting of the PB Act Amendment Committee held on 18.03.2008.
ARTEE Initiative- Exam reforms
Helper to Technician Promotions-New Syllabus.
Child-care leave- 6th CPC, details.
MIB Clarification on 6th CPC implementation.
NFADE met Secretary, Ministry of I & B.
LPT Meet in Banda on 15th Oct'08
Cadre Review Committee 7th Meeting .
PSA joins ARTEE & ADTEA into SSS, to take up common issues like ACP, Cadre Review etc. Detailed programme will follow.
ACP for Subordinate Engineering Cadre:-Status
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) to Central Government employees for the years 2006-07 &2007-08.
Clarification from DG:DD on Pay Fixation to ARTEE.
Clarification from DG:DD on Pay Fixation to stations.
Response from Prasar Bharati on our agitation.
Clarification from DG:AIR on Pay Fixation to stations.
Clarification from DG:AIR on Pay Fixation.
Clarifications on CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

ARTEE Elections 2008-2010

# Clarification from DG:DD on Pay Fixation to ARTEE.
# Clarification from DG:DD on Pay Fixation to stations.
# Response from Prasar Bharati on our agitation.
#Clarification from DG:AIR on Pay Fixation to stations.
#Clarification from DG:AIR on Pay Fixation.
#Clarifications on CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.
#Appeal for Donation
#Sixth CPC--DG:Doordarshan Order
#6th CPC- Fixation as per existing Pay Scale.
#6th CPC - FOR All
#Sixth CPC--DG:AIR Order
# Sixth CPC--MIB Order
#Transfer committee: A FARCE! Why ARTEE is not a party ?
#NFADE Meeting with CEO on 02-09-2008.
#Secretary, Expenditure, Ministry of Finance has clarified that the recommendations of 6th CPC will be applicable to AIR & Doordarshan employees.
# Office Memorandum/Allowances related to Sixth Central Pay Commission Recommendations:
# 6th CPC - CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.
# 6th CPC - Resolution.
# 6th CPC-Notification.
#Minutes of the meeting of the committee for cadre review held on 05/08/08.
# Written Result of SEA to AE exam 2008.
# Minutes of the meeting of the committee for cadre review held on 18/7/08.